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Personal Projects

A little looped animation I made inspired by a rainy day

Personal Projects

It's been a very long time since I've drawn animation. Slowly returning to it with this simple piece. It was a lot of fun. Can’t wait to start on a new one!

This was done on an iPad with the FlipAClip app.

Find out more about the FlipAClip App


These shots were made for iAnimate, an Online Animation School.

I Be Gone Too

This is a short piece I made based on an excerpt from Benh Zeitlin's 2012 film "Beasts of the Southern Wild"

I was really impressed with Quvenzhané Wallis' performance as Hush Puppy.


Rig is from iAnimate


This is an excerpt from "P.S." (2004) dir. Dylan Kidd Newmarket Films

The character's voice is the fabulous Laura Linney


Rig is from iAnimate


This is from a radio interview with David Sedaris about his book 'Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim',

aired on NPR, June 15 2004


In this excerpt, he talks about how he believes he was an unremarkable child.


Rig is from iAnimate

House of Dogs

My take on an excerpt from Season 1 of the US "House of Cards", broadcast on Netflix (2013).


Rigs from iAnimate

This is from an interview with Martha Wainwright about her artistic process when she was promoting her album 'Come Home to Mama' 2012,

aired on NPR, June 15 2004


In this excerpt, she talks about what kind of artist she was at the time.


The following clip was taken from a video on Youtube where two little girls were fighting about who was 2 years old.


Rig is from iAnimate

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