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Show Dogs

Creature Animation, animated dogs, a panda and pigeons for this feature film about a K9 dog who goes undercover at a dog show.

Starring Will Arnet, Ludacriss (voice), Natasha Lyonne and Stanley Tucci (voice). Premiered on May 25, 2018.

Produced at Lipsync Post, London UK.

Director: Raja Gosnell

Animation Supervisor: Dimita Bakalov

Animators: Tammy Smith, Gillian Best, Christina Mandia, Dominic Rayner, Robert Meech, Guliz Demiray, Dominic Elsey

This Shot was started by Christina Mandia and I finilized the shot as it underwent many versions and revisions.

Produced at Lipsync Post, London UK.

Director: Raja Gosnell

Animation Supervisor: Dimita Bakalov

Animators: Tammy Smith, Gillian Best, Christina Mandia, Dominic Rayner, Robert Meech, Guliz Demiray, Dominic Elsey

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